Queering Asylum… or Human Rights in Europe?

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Carmelo Danisi is an Adjunct Professor of, and Research Fellow in, Public International Law at Alma Mater University of Bologna – Forlì campus (Unibo) and Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Sussex. He has also been Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University – College of Law (Endeavour Research Fellowship 2015). He has been involved in several national and international research projects related to international and EU law, such as the protection of the migrant child (University of Sydney-New York School of Law), self-determination and non-self-governing territories (Unibo-CISP Algeria), relationship between international refugee law and human rights law in SOGI asylum (Horizon 2020 ERC project SOGICA – University of Sussex), Russian and Chinese approaches towards international law (Unibo). Among other things, Carmelo has carried out legal analysis for the EU Agency for fundamental rights (Italian focal point for FRA), is a member of the Editorial Board of GenIUS and a regular contributor for Diritto, Immigrazione, Cittadinanza.

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Nuno is a Professor of Law at the University of Sussex. Previously, he was a Senior Lecturer at the University of Liverpool and Lecturer at the University of Manchester. He has also been a Visiting Professor at Wuhan University and the University of Lisbon, and guest scholar at the University of Girona and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. Nuno has been a Horizon 2020 ERC Starting Grant recipient, leading the project SOGICA(2016-2020), and is currently also co-director of the Sussex Centre for Human Rights Research.