Il 15 novembre 2023 la Corte suprema del Regno Unito ha emesso un’importante sentenza sulla (il)legittimità della politica di esternalizzazione adottata dal Regno Unito sulla base di un memorandum d’intesa stipulato con il Ruanda il 13 aprile 2022. Dopo un sintetico inquadramento del contesto post-Brexit, in seno al quale si inserisce il summenzionato accordo, il presente commento esamina le stringenti argomentazioni giuridiche della Corte suprema, sottolineandone il rilievo attribuito al principio di non refoulement e all’importanza dell’autonomia del potere giudiziario per poter far fronte a politiche in materia di immigrazione e asilo sempre più inclini a violare i diritti umani e la stessa Rule of Law.

Anna Liguori
Diploma of Advanced European Studies (College of Europe-Belgium) and PhD in European Law (Vanvitelli University). Before joining academia, she worked in international law firms (Rome and Naples) and for the Council of Europe (Strasbourg-France). She is currently Associate Professor of International Law at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”. She has participated in international projects, in particular as member of the Steering Committee of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Migrants' Rights in the Mediterranean (2014-2017) and Staff Member of the Jean Monnet Network "MAPS – Migration and Asylum Policy Systems. Weaknesses, Shortcomings and Reform Proposals" (2018-2022). She is currently P.I. of PRA (University Research Project) on “Anthropocene/Capitalocene and International Migrations. A critical reading”.
Her research interests concern in particular migration, asylum, human rights, climate change and the responsibility of States and International Organizations. Her publications include a book on "Le garanzie procedurali avverso l'espulsione dello straniero" (Editoriale Scientifica, 2008) and a book on "Migration Law and the Externalization of Border Controls. European State Responsibility” (Routledge, 2019).